Blog posts


Let’s begin

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Last wednesday I defended my master thesis and finally concluded my path at University of Palermo. Now, it’s time to begin a new and totally different experience by beginning my PhD at University of Trento and FBK (Bruno Kessler Foundation), for which I’ll leave in two days. I’m going to study Deep Learning for Machine Translation, a really interesting topic for which there has been an explosion of papers in the last three years, and it didn’t even exist before 2014. I wanted to share my excitement with everybody and I promise, the next post will be technical and will bring some novelties in the blog. See you soon!

Repeat, repeat, repeat…

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These days I’m preparing for my Master degree thesis defence. The time is too short and there’s no space for wasting words. In order to perform well, repetitions and pauses must be well balanced. There is a need knowing exactly what you need to say, while showing that you’re really thinking about what you say and not repeating like a parrot. That would bore the audience, and that’s not what you expect with a thesis regarding sarcasm detection. I’m still working on it.

My first blog post

less than 1 minute read


Hey everybody, I’m Mattia from Palermo, Italy. I’m finishing my studies in Computer Science and now I’m trying to become active in the OSS community. I made large use of open source software but I never found the time (my fault) to give my contribution to some project. My first occasion to move on was the discovery of this year’s hacktoberfest, thanks to which I did my first pull request. After that some others pull request arrived one after another and now I want to become an active participant in the OSS community, at least for what I can do. This short blog post represents my second step in this direction, after the hacktoberfest, and a commit to force me to continue this way.